- Description
Utilizing classical atelier methods merged with Olivia’s own process, this workshop will focus on the fundamentals of portrait painting in Oil. This class also prioritizes safe practices that avoid solvents and toxic pigments. Beginning painters are welcome but a familiarity with drawing and painting is recommended.
The workshop will take place on Friday at 5pm EST, meeting on Zoom once a week over the course of 5 weeks. The workshop will be held on Google Classroom where participants can access weekly handouts and contribute to group discussions.
Students will complete a portrait alongside Olivia, being led and receiving feedback through each stage of:
• The initial drawing phase
• Transferring methods
• Direct painting (alla prima)
• Indirect painting (glazing and scumbling)Website: https://www.oliviadigregorio.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oliviadigregorio/?hl=en - Informations complémentaires
Informations complémentaires
code de catalogue EP-701006 pays de fabrication disponible pour expédition gratuite Oui
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